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Note: Packages are not released yet. They will be available for the release (and probably alpha / beta / delta) versions, but we're still in early development, so there's no point in packaging it. Python code is pretty easy to run anyways.

Note: The main branch / releases page may possibly seem stale, but Scratch2Python is still being worked on. Go here to see all branches.

downloadDownload a release from GitHub
downloadDownload zip downloadDownload tar.gz

In your BASH terminal (Linux/MacOS) or Git Bash (Windows), go to the location where you would like to keep Scratch2Python and type:

git clone

To get updates, type cd scratch2python, then git pull.

Click the button to clone Scratch2Python. Keep the repository name and set the owner to your personal account.

fork_rightFork Scratch2Python

then clone your fork using:

git clone

Install Python

You'll need to download Python 3 to use Scratch2Python on Windows and MacOS. On most recent GNU/Linux distros, Python 3 is preinstalled.

Minimum required Python version is 3.8.

Download Python

After going into the Scratch2Python directory, run the following command to install the required Python packages:

pip install -r requirements.txt
Support for graphical apps and a window manager is obviously required.

Supported operating systems

Scratch2Python runs anywhere Python 3.8+ can run.


  • Windows 8+
  • Ubuntu 20.04+
  • Ubuntu 18.04+ using deadsnakes PPA
  • Linux Mint 20+
  • Linux Mint 19+ using deadsnakes PPA
  • Zorin OS 16+
  • Debian 11+
  • Arch Linux, Manjaro and other Arch-based distros
  • MacOS 10.6 (Snow Leopard) or newer
  • Other GNU/Linux distros can build Python from source

Supported but support may be dropped

  • Windows Vista, Windows 7 (Python 3.9+ only supports Windows 8+)